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DIY Party Favor Poppers

15th January2014

DIY Party Favor Poppers

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DIY Party Favor Poppers Image
Here's a fun idea for your next bash! The next time you're thinking about doing goody bags or party favors you have to try these! Plus it's a lot more fun when there's popping involved.....packing bubbles, balloons, gum!!! Once again here is a quick and simple tutorial that even the kiddos can help with. First Step: Drive, walk,

Boy Finds!

23th November2013

Boy Finds!

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Boy Finds! Image
My son, Jamison, found something fun today. :} Some of my costume eyelashes made of feathers! Never a dull moment in Harrisville. Have you followed me on Pinterest? > I love making new friends over here >https://www.pinterest.com/heatherlehto Copyright Heather Lehto Harris of The Pink Lab

Hulk Coconut

22th November2013

Hulk Coconut

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Hulk Coconut Image
Last night while moving horses to another pasture I tripped over this monster. It's been dubbed the Hulk coconut. Can't wait to open this beauty.  Pictured next to a regular sized coconut. Haha P.S. I know I'm neglecting blogger and moved to the Facebook page and Instagram for all my updates but I'm going to start sharing it

Eye Of Newt Dip

22th September2013

Eye Of Newt Dip

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This dip is perfect for that Halloween party you're planning or going to. At first glance you might think this is your ordinary black bean dip, black bean and corn salsa, or cowboy caviar. It's not....exactly. I came up with my own recipe that gives attention to color to easily blend into any Halloween event. I also took

Halloween Food~Stuffed Caterpillars

12th September2013

Halloween Food~Stuffed Caterpillars

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What? You don't think the grub sounds appetizing? What if I told you the recipe? Pillsburry Dough Croissants dipped in a green butter wash (melted butter w/green food coloring) wrapped around big chunks of fresh mozzarella cheese. Baked as instructed on the croissant package. They did not last long! They were so buttery, and the cheese was perfectly stretchably

DIY Plastic Cauldron To Old & Spooky

11th September2013

DIY Plastic Cauldron To Old & Spooky

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In my search for new Halloween decor ideas I came across a tutorial on how to make a cheap plastic cauldron look old and spooky. After a little tweaking I came up with my own tutorial that I think is easier and looks great! This was a super fun project for my boys to do with me.  First,

Motivational Week ~ Jubilant Life

05th September2013

Motivational Week ~ Jubilant Life

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Jessi lives in Idaho with her loving husband and two beautiful children. She continues to receive education and keeps herself busy with her amazing blog, Jubilant Jessi, where she shares with the world all her amazing talents. She has an inspiring story to share about dealing with her parents divorce as a young girl and triumphantly coming out